NRA Basic Pistol Course NRA Basic Pistol is an entry level program for anyone who wishes to become familiar with handguns of all types. The course is designed to meet the educational requirements needed to obtain a Maine state concealed carry permit. The course involves classroom time and range sessions. Topics covered include: safety rules, types of pistols and selection, ammunition basics, fundamentals of pistol shooting, shooting positions, common shooting errors, gun cleaning and maintenance, and maintaining skills. The course will be taught by NRA-certified instructors on Saturday, May 31, 2025. This will be a single day session starting at 8 AM in the clubhouse on Rt 150, Willimantic, ME. Expected duration is 8 hours. We will break for lunch. Enrollees must be law-abiding citizens, and at least 18 years of age. Certificates will be awarded after completion. The course will be taught by NRA-certified instructors, and a Piscataquis County Law Enforcement Officer. Pre-registration is required.The fee is $80. Class size is limited to 18. Registration deadline is May 24, 2025. Click Here to Print Out PDF Registration Form. To register or for questions please email Rob Cody, at |
All of the funds generated by the above classes are returned to the club.
The above members donate their time for the classes. You do not have to be a member to take the above classes. ITS NOT TO LATE FOR THE NEXT CLASS !!!!!! |